Start with your favorite color then find the perfect jewelry design

Start with your favorite color, then find the perfect jewelry design!

by Tawny Reynolds on Mar 06, 2018

There are times you stumble upon a piece of jewelry so lovely you just have to have it - you don't have an event planned, or a particular outfit that needs a final touch, you just want it.

But then there are the times when you're looking for something specific.  Like a red dress that needs some matching earrings and all your current jewelry leans toward blues and greens.  Or you need a gift and just discovered that her birthstone is alexandrite (and maybe you're wondering, "What color is alexandrite, anyway?"  Hint - check out my roundup of all the birthstones here.)

When that's the case, you don't want to have to go through pages and pages hoping to spot something that works.  You really wish you could start by choosing a color, and only browse designs available in that color, right?

Viola!  Start here, on the glass colors page.

Start with your favorite color, then find the perfect jewelry design

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