What’s in a name?  Giving voice to the Bohemian Collection

What’s in a name? Giving voice to the Bohemian Collection

by Tawny Reynolds on Jul 27, 2016

Giving voice to design of silver spiral earrings, necklaces, and more by Sundrop Jewelry. What's in a name? Click to read or pin for later.
The Bohemian Collection as a whole had a name long before the individual designs...
Naming jewelry is always a combination of fun and frustration. Where to start?! Sometimes a design was inspired by something specific, the way the Liana Collection was inspired by flowering vines and dangling blooms.  I used botanical names for each piece, and the name “liana” itself is a group of vining plants.  Other times, I start from a more literal description, like the two-drop Duet Earrings and Duet Lariat.  As members of the Sonata Collection, they emerged with a descriptive name along the same musical theme.

In the case of the Bohemian Collection I wanted to find names that felt, well,bohemian.  Gypsy-esque, free-spirited words that say, “Who cares what other people think?  Do your thing.”
Naturally, the first name to settle was Gemini - as with the Duet Earrings, the two-drop design made The Twins constellation an obvious choice.  And from there, the celestial theme emerged… Calypso, Andromeda, Lyra…  Celestial names with a bohemian flair.
What do you think of the expanded Bohemian collection?  Which name is your favorite?  Comment below to let me know!

Also, do you have a favorite way of coming up with names, whether for your kids, projects you’re working on, book characters you’re writing, products you make, or anything else?  I'd love to get some ideas for my next collection - just comment below!
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