Peridot Fun Facts: Peridot is one of the few gems that only occurs in only one color - olive green. The intensity of the color can vary quite a bit, however, from nearly yellow to brownish-green. The most valued color is a dark olive green.
Peridot is gem-quality olivine, which is found in lava rocks and meteorites (no other gem ever arrives from outer space!). Olivine is usually found as small grains, and gem-size pieces are very rare. Hawaii’s Green Sand Beach is made up of olivine.  Throughout history, peridot has often been mistaken for emerald - Cleopatra had an astounding “emerald” now believed to have actually been a peridot, mined from an island in the Red Sea. Peridot has an impressive list of positive features associated with it, including: Generosity Charm Luck Fame A Sunny Disposition …and has been associated with the Heart Chakra, for balancing and centering. Besides being the birthstone for August, peridot is also the 15th anniversary gemstone.