
Sundrops featured in the Star Tribune

by Tawny Reynolds on May 13, 2009

Melting glass with sunshine and a giant magnifying glass.  From the Star TribuneSundrop Jewelry was featured in the Star Tribune today! We'd like to welcome everyone visiting for the first time.


Here's a short excerpt:
How did a paleontologist, a writer/environmental activist, a softwear designer and a geologist end up running a jewelry business?

Well, it all started, as these things so often do, with fire...

Headquarters for Sundrop Jewelry is the home of Shaun and Tawny Reynolds in a working-class neighborhood of northeast Minneapolis, where even in the dead of a Minnesota winter Tawny Reynolds was out back cooking up some jewelry.

"A few months ago, I was out in 10-below weather for a day or two," she said. "I had on big, puffy snowpants and ran back inside every hour -- or less."
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