Invariably the next question is “Which colors are recycled, and what glass do you use?”
- We use Bombay Sapphire Gin bottles to make our ‘Water’ color Sundrops
- Skyy Vodka bottles turn into ‘Cobalt’ Sundrops
- Various screw-top beer bottles are used for ‘Bottle Brown’. We save the re-cappable bottles for brewing our own beer :)
- We use Jagermeister and ginger ale bottles to make our ‘Kelly Green’ Sundrops
- We have used various wine bottles in the past, but find that the colors are highly variable, ranging from Kelly Green through many shades of olive to brown. We’ve generally found the pure Kelly Green and Bottle Brown to be more popular than any of the in between olive shades.
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OMG these Sundrops are amazing! I make silver jewelry for family gifts but yours are unique. Thank you for sharing.